Sun protection: usage guide for healthy and protected skin

Summer has finally arrived and with it the desire to enjoy the sun and heat. However, it is essential to remember to protect our skin from damage caused by the sun's rays. In this guide to using sunscreen, we will discover how sunscreens work, how to interpret the SPF index and some useful tips to ensure optimal protection.

How do sunscreens work?

Sunscreens are designed to protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. There are two types of UV rays that reach the Earth: UVA and UVB. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and can cause premature aging and cell damage, while UVB rays are responsible for sunburn. Sunscreens contain sun filters that act like a shield on the skin, reflecting or absorbing the sun's rays.

How to learn to read the SPF index of creams

The SPF index (Sun Protection Factor) is a number that indicates the ability of a sunscreen to protect the skin from UVB rays. For example, an SPF 30 means that the sunscreen offers 30 times more protection than when the skin is exposed without protection. In other words, if it would normally take you 10 minutes to get sunburned, using an SPF 30 cream should extend your protection time up to 300 minutes (10 minutes x 30).

However, it is important to underline that a high SPF rating does not imply total protection. No sunscreen offers 100% protection. Therefore, it is essential to reapply sunscreen regularly, especially after swimming or strenuous physical activity, to maintain effective protection.

Useful tips for correct use of sunscreen

  1. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen: Make sure the sunscreen offers protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

  2. Apply sunscreen evenly: Make sure you cover all exposed parts of your body, including your face, neck, ears, and backs of your hands.

  3. Reapply frequently: Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more often if you've been sweating a lot or have come into contact with water.

  4. Avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours: Try to stay in the shade between 10am and 4pm, when the sun's rays are at their strongest.

  5. Wear protective clothing: Use light sun-blocking clothing, such as wide-brimmed hats or sunglasses.

Sunscreen is essential to prevent skin damage caused by the sun's rays. With a proper understanding of how sunscreen works and the appropriate use of SPF, you can enjoy the sun safely and maintain healthy, protected skin. Remember to follow the useful advice and make sun protection a fundamental part of your summer routine to fully enjoy the beautiful days outdoors.

Discover the best Korean sunscreens: